Introduction to HTML


HTML stands for hypertext markup language, it was invented in blah blah date by xyz person.

Yes It seems to be something odd, because you guys are being used to study history of everything, if If you seriously want to read history, I'll create some other module for you. 

Here we will only learn the programs, their uses and execution.

What is use of html

Simple html is used to create a simple webpage. We use CSS, JS, BootStrap,etc to make it beautiful and attractive. We will discuss these things in further topics.

For now just understand HTML is used to create a webpage. 

Syntax for HTML

    <title>Example page</title> 
    <h1>This is a heading</h1> 
        <p>This is an <b>example</b> of a basic HTML page.</p> </body>

Explaining syntax 

 look at the first line  <!doctype html>

if you see it is written document type is html, here this tag do the same function as its name it just tell the browser that the current file is of type html.

After declaration we will start writing HTML file inside <html>.........</html>tag. then inside a <head> tag we will give a title to our file (say our webpage) using <title>.......</title> and then close head tag followed by a <body> tag. Everything we want to display on the webpage must be written in body tag in html file. And in the last we will close our html tag.

Tags in in html are similar to commands. If you didn't understood what tags are, you need not to worry about it. We will study about tags in just few minutes. But before that I'm gonna tell you how you can run html codes.

Where/How HTML runs?

Editor for html

You can use any editor as NotePad, NotePad++, Sublime, VS Code, Atom, etc  to write html codes. If you are using a PC NotePad may be pre-installed in it and if you are a Mac user you must have TextEdit which work same. 

My favorite  is VS Code (developed by Microsoft), people also recommond Sublime, Atom, Brackets and many other. If you are reading this, I'm considering you extreme noobie in html. So I recommond you to use simple NotePad, because other editors are for doing things fast but notepad is best for learning. I also started with notepad.

 Saving a html file

After writing a file in html save it at your desired location with extension  .html  or .htm   e.g. Technical Vinayak.html or Technical Vinayak.htm . Everytime you make any change to html document you must save the file to execute the changes.

Open your first webpage

Go to the location where you saved the file you will see a file of name which you given to your file with an icon showing default browser on it. Open it you will see your new webpage is ready. Huhh! 

I'm writing this whole blog in as easy as possible, explaining each and every miner things for you, but if you still face any problem just comment below the page. You will get a sure assistance.



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